Saturday, April 3, 2010

Water, Water Everywhere.....

A few weeks ago, Bill and I came to the sad conclusion that our dishwasher is on it's last legs.  It still runs, but nothing comes out sparkling clean--yuck!  Since we just purchased our new stove, the thought of another major appliance purchase was not appealing!

We've been hand-washing our dishes, and it hasn't been bad at all.  I'll be interested to see how much of a difference it makes in our water consumption--in February, we used a total of 4000 gallons and in March, 3500--it looks like we're moving in the right direction.

The other thing that we'll be doing is replacing our toilets with high performance HETs (High Efficiency Toilets)--and the BEST part?  It's going to be FREE!  That's right boys and girls-Austin Water Conservation is offering to replace up to 3 toilets per home with Pro-flo PF9300 toilets-they have dual flush technology, which ensures great performance and reduces water consumption.

To qualify, your home must have been built prior to January 1, 1996 and you must receive your water from the City of Austin or an eligible MUD.

For more information, call 512-974-2199, or visit to download an application.